The Liberator

We have seen throughout United States history that every movement has at least one leader, and with that movement, a powerful voice. A voice that is remembered more than the problem, and where future generations will remember its name. 

William Lloyd Garrison was the voice of abolitionism. His publication The Liberator sparked a surplus of individuals to change their position on slavery, just like himself. 

However, this position wasn't an easy stance, minimally compared to modern day stances today on Trump versus Biden, or the controversial beliefs of systemic racism that still linger effects in our country today. He was loved by many, and hated by several. 

His idea behind creating The Liberator was to create something to spread the word about the inequalities many Americans were facing. He highlighted the oppression of enslaved African Americans, and shed light on the harsh truths of the state of our country, and how divided it was influenced to become. 

Because of The Liberator, many African Americans grew hopeful of a promising future, with the complete abolition of slavery. 

The paper helped African American readers have more trust in white abolitionist who were on their side, and trying to help the movement. This bridged the two communities into one, and was the first step in bringing our country back together as one. 

Learned from one of my classmates, The Liberator also encouraged African Americans to obtain further resources to enhance their education. 

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