Netflix and Tiktok "Ban" Russia

Netflix and Tiktok are two platforms suspending all or parts of their services in Russia, adding to a long list of companies boycotting the country over the ongoing war in Ukraine. 

Netflix said on Sunday, March 6th that it would stop streaming its content in Russia in protest of Moscow’s invasion of the Ukraine. They also took away production of original programs, though the US based platform did not specify what would happen to existing subscriber accounts.

TikTok also said on Sunday that it would prevent new uploads and livestreams on its platform in Russia, citing punitive new laws criminalizing the spread of "fake" information concerning the government's assault on Ukraine. Tiktok did say, however, that in-app messaging will remain active. 
Ukraine’s minister of digital transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov, called on US technology companies to do more to hit back against Russia, and it seems they did just that.

