The Associated Press

 The Associated Press is an independent global news organization. It is dedicated to nothing other than factual reporting. Today, it is the holder for the most trusted source of fast paced, accurately informing, and unbiased news in all formats and is the essential provider of the technological services that are extremely valued to the news business. 

The Birth of ASP

In 1846, only five New York City newspapers decided to fund an express route of news through the state of Alabama to deliver information on the Mexican War up north faster than the U.S. Postal Service could.

Founded in 1846, AP was the first private sector organization in the United States to operate on a national scale. For the past 170 years, they have made major headlined news honestly, with the informing of the major historical events of our nation. Some examples of their reports are the assassination of former President Abraham Lincoln, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the fall of Shah of Iran, and the death of Pope John Paul. 

The Coverage

The AP operates in 250 different locations in 100 different countries. Their wide range of coverage allows them to cover and relay information of breaking news, war coverage and international conflict.

A management committee and board guides the works of AP, with a board of directors that is dedicated and devoted to nothing other than shaping the future of journalism in our world. The AP maintains an "official repository" for all records of historical value, regardless of the formatted structure. 

Nonetheless, the AP encourages and displays the highest levels of ethics when gathering and delivering news to the world. 

Their Records

The AP holds extreme standards in the world of news, and the expectations of journalists. They deliver 2,000 stories per day, 70,000 videos per year, and 1 million photos per year ( 

Their audiences stretches to more than half of the worlds population to inform the people of unfiltered, untainted honest news. More than two thirds of their staff at AP are degreed journalists. 

In 2005, the AP established the AP Emergency Relief Fund, helping their staff and colleagues around the world face conflict and disaster. The money they raised helped rebuild homes, replace belongings, and move to safer areas. 

Everything In Grasp

Wherever you are, whenever you want, the Associated Press has the coverage and the story for you. Covering a wide range of topics, readers can find stories on anything sports, politics, breaking news, business and finance, entertainment, lifestyle, religion and health and science. 


The Associated Press has been the leading media industry ever since their birth in 1846. The work of the AP's dedicated journalists have been recognized with numerous awards. 56 Pulitzer prizes have been awarded, with 34 specifically for photo journalism. 

Starting as just a funded express route, the Associated Press has stayed nothing but innovative since their beginning, engaging their audiences in world class content in all formats created. 


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